Easy Guide How To Dispose Of Muriatic Acid Safely?

Muriatic Acid is also known as Hydrochloric Acid. It sounds like a hazardous chemical, and it can act as one. The most surprising thing is that it is used in various industries all around the world, and it is a very common substance. More than 20 million tons of muriatic Acid is produced every year in the world as a whole. The bottom line is that it is a dangerous substance, and it should be handled with care.

How to Dispose of Muriatic Acid

The concentrated form of hydrochloric Acid releases mist, which is considered to be very dangerous. If the mist comes in direct contact with internal organs, skin, or eyes, then it could cause irreversible damage and excessive exposure to this mist could even lead to death.

There is a method to avoid ending up in these types of situations. Here is a safety guide that would be useful to dispose of muriatic acid safely.

Apparatus Needed

  • Baking Soda
  • Water
  • Chemically resistant clothes
  • Muriatic or hydrochloric acid
  • Safety mask, goggles, and gloves
  • An area which is ventilated

Safety Measures To Dispose Of Muriatic Acid

Here are all the steps mentioned to dispose of muriatic acid or Hydrochloric Acid.

Protect Yourself

As we have discussed earlier, Hydrochloric Acid is a hazardous chemical, and it releases mist in its concentrated form, which is very dangerous. This mist is called hydrogen chloride vapor.

Due to this reason, you need to work on your safety before coming in contact with Hydrochloric Acid.  You need to wear a lab coat or any long-sleeved clothing to cover your legs and arms from being exposed to the concentrated hydrochloric Acid while disposing of it. The clothing should be chemical resistant because the Acid would react with ordinary clothes, and it could cause damage to clothes as well as your skin. To avoid getting into this situation, you should wear clothes made of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or Butyl rubber.

The fumes coming out of this substance are very dangerous, and if you inhale these fumes, then you might end up damaging your respiratory tract and organ linings. You should wear a safety mask that has an 8 inches face shield while disposing of muriatic Acid having a pH value less than 3.0. You also need to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from these fumes and the liquid which might splash into them.

You must wear safety gloves which are made of either neoprene or rubber. Even the gloves made of PVC and butyl rubber could be used. The sneakers should be worn of the same fabric so that if the chemicals are spilled, then your skin could be protected. You must ensure that your pants cover the sneakers so that no part of the body is exposed to muriatic Acid.

Look For An Area Which Is Ventilated

When you are disposing of the muriatic acid, you should be in a room or an area that has plenty of ventilation. This will prevent the fumes from, and it will also reduce the levels of toxins that are inhaled by you.

Stay Away From Pets And Children

The skin of pets and young children is sensitive, and they might get haphazardly injured if they come in contact with Muriatic Acid. If the hydrochloric Acid is ingested accidentally, then it might cause immediate death, and if it comes in contact with eyes, then it might lead to blindness. One must never leave the muriatic Acid at any place which is easy to reach for pets and children.

Stay Away From Metals Or Heat

Muriatic Acid is not flammable, but when it reacts with metals or heat, it produces hydrogen gas which is inflammable and quite dangerous. During the time of the fire, it even emits toxic substances.

Process Of Disposing Of Muriatic Acid

Prepare A Base Mix

You have to create a base solution by mixing baking soda with water to negate the Acid. Then add the Hydrochloric Acid in the mixture and wait for the reaction to stop. If it doesn’t stop fizzing, then add more baking soda.

Hydrochloric Acid combines with baking soda to form carbon dioxide and saltwater.

Treatment Of Empty Containers

The empty containers which had muriatic Acid have to be neutralized with the use of 10% baking soda and 90% water. Secure the container with a lid and then shake the solution. Continue the process of shaking the solution until the effervescence stops.

Disposal Process

  • Wash the remains of the empty container in the sewer system.
  • The empty container can be used for other purposes.
  • The reagent bottles and other lab containers should be rinsed with water, dried, and then taken into use.


Muriatic Acid is very dangerous, so it should be disposed of in a well-ventilated, dry, and pool area. Utmost safety should be taken while disposing of muriatic Acid because it could cause severe health haphazard.